Research Data Management System (RDMS)
Are you looking for a long-term data storage and archiving option for your research data? Then you can make use of the Research Data Management System (RDMS) of the University of Groningen.
Management of Research Data
With the increasing amount of data generated and collected, along with the demand for research data management and more restrictive rules and regulations, such as the GDPR, investing in a data management facility is crucial. Storage solutions like X/Y drives, Unishare, Google Drive, and local NAS are meant for short-term data storage and are inadequate for long-term storage and archiving.
The RDMS includes a wide range of functionalities for the management of research data. Within this system, researchers and research groups can collaborate and securely store, share, organize, and archive research data. Additionally, data can be enriched with metadata to enhance findability. All data is securely stored within the UG's data cloud and offers connections to High Performance Computing (HPC), Linux Workspace (LWP), University Workspace (UWP), Unishare, and the Snellius supercomputer.
The RDMS service is available to all researchers and research groups of the UG. Do you want to use the RDMS, or do you have a support question? Ask your question to a RDMS specialist.
RDMS functionalities:
Data sharing within UG
Automated policy implementation
Data storing in personal and group environments
Metadata management
Data query
Functionalities in progress:
Collaboration with non-UG organizations
Last modified: | 13 January 2025 4.37 p.m. |