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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Surfaces and Thin Films Lo Conte group SPM Day 2024

Invited speakers

Pavel Jelinek
Pavel Jelinek

Pavel Jelinek

Dr. Pavel Jelinek is a senior researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He founded the research NANOSURF group, which strongly benefits from the synergy between experiment and theory. His research field is on surface synthesis, molecular electronics, low dimensional materials, scanning probe microscopy, and strongly correlated systems. He received several national research awards, including Praemium Academiae (Czech Academy of Sciences) and The Rudolf Lukes Prize (Czech Chemical Society).

Kirsten von Bergmann
Kirsten von Bergmann

Kirsten von Bergmann

PD Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann is a senior researcher at the University of Hamburg. She is an expert in spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and her main research interest concerns how complex magnetic order arises in ultra-thin films and how such spin textures interact with their environment. She studied at the University of Bonn, then moved to the University of Hamburg for her PhD project, received the degree in 2004, and obtained a permanent position in 2007. In 2008 she was a guest scientist at IBM Almaden, and in 2013 she was awarded the Gaede-Prize.

Alexander Weber-Bargioni
Alexander Weber-Bargioni

Alexander Weber-Bargioni

Dr. Alexander Weber-Bargioni is fascinated by exploring and controlling quasiparticle excitations by engineering atomically precise heterogeneities in low dimensional materials, and their direct visualization using advanced SPM. He has been the imaging facility director and is currently coordinating the quantum materials program across LBNL. He did his PostDoc at the Molecular Foundry, his PhD in physics at the University of British Columbia and graduated from the University of Konstanz with a bachelor in physics. In his spare time, he enjoys ski mountaineering, cycling, cooks, woodworks and runs an artisanal olive oil farm in his home Tuscany.

Last modified:21 June 2024 10.33 a.m.