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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Solid State Materials for Electronics

Safety Regulations and Documents

In spite of alle the effort put into safefy of procedures and devices working in a laboratory comes with health risks. The ability to handle these properly is crucial. Nature is unforgiving if you break the rules.

Think Safety First
Think Safety First

Characteristics of a safe worker

  • knowlegde
    • full understanding of risks and procedures (see safety documents)
    • location of protective materials (gloves, safety glasses etc.)
    • location of materials for handling emergency situations
    • whom to contact if you have urgent questions
    • escape routes
  • skills
  • discipline
    • follow the safety guidelines and use no shortcuts.
    • replenish protective materials in time
    • fix or report unsafe situations
  • awareness
    • the risks of your current activity
    • your environment and situation
      - interactions with other people
      - (uncommon) objects in the room that affect safety
      - emergency signals
    • your physical and mental state
      - Stress, hurry, tiredness and overconfidence
      - Medical and mental issues (e.g. conflicts)
      - Alcohol and drugs as well als some medications.


For general safety issues you are referred to the Safety, Health, Environment document edited by the Faculty concerning activities in our building. There you can find general safety working procedures, ranging from how to work with different types of lasers, to how to handle chemicals or gas bottles. Every new member of the faculty (student or staff), and in particular those working in the labs, should read and understand this document.

Our group has issued specific safety documents (listed below) that everyone working in our labs should read, understand and obey to.

If you want to work at one of our labs, no matter how short, you need to fill in an Experimental form. For forms and instructions: see below.

Safety Documents

For more information about the experiments and set-ups, please contact the group member in charge.

Experimental Forms

If you want to work at a lab of the NFO/SSME you need to fill the appropriate Experimental form.
The form should be signed by you and your supervisor, as well as by Jacob Baas (18.-150A, ext.4417). Only when that form is ready the planning of an experiment can be done safely and efficiently. We cannot compromise on safety so this has to be done for ALL the experiments, no matter how short or trivial.

That form should be placed in the racks located at the entrance of the lab when your start your experiment and they should be removed when your experiment is finished. In this way the lab supervisors can always know who is measuring in that lab, what and how.



Last modified:15 May 2024 3.33 p.m.