Prof.dr. Beatriz Noheda

Short Bio
Noheda received her PhD in Physics in 1996 from the Autonomous University of Madrid. After various stays and positions at the University of Saarlandes, Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, Brookhaven National Lab in New York and the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, in 2003 she was awarded a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship by the University of Groningen, where she is now Full Professor. Noheda is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has served as member of numerous committees and several editorial boards. She is author of more than 100 publications, receives more than 10 invitations per year to speak in international conferences and has given 6 plenary and keynote talks. Currently Noheda serves as director of the newly founded Groningen Center for Cognitive Systems and Materials (CogniGron).
Scientific Interest
Noheda’s research focuses on understanding the relationship between structure and functionality of thin films of ferroelectric, piezoelectric and multiferroic materials, the control of nano-domains that self-assemble by strain engineering, as well as the characterization of the distinct properties of domain walls. Her main scientific contributions have been the discovery of low symmetry (monoclinic) phases in high piezoelectric materials (PZT and MPB piezoelectrics) and the observation of domain walls as "vertical interfaces" with distinct structure and functionalities. Although her research is fundamental in nature, it is inspired by two main application areas that she believes will enable the next technological revolution: piezoelectric energy harvesting for low power electronics and the development of novel materials for neuromorphic computing.
Research output
- Impact
Last modified: | 15 May 2024 3.33 p.m. |