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Research Zernike (ZIAM) News Seminars

Prof. Yana Vaynzof "Insights from Device Modeling of Perovskite Solar Cells"

When:Fr 12-06-2020 15:30 - 16:30

In this talk, we will discuss the insights into the device physics of perovskite solar cells gained from modeling and simulation of these devices.[1] We will address a range of factors that influence the modeling of perovskite solar cells, including the role of ions, dielectric constant, density of states, and spatial distribution of recombination losses. By focusing on the effect of non-ideal energetic alignment in perovskite photovoltaic devices, we demonstrate a unique feature in low-recombination perovskite materials: the formation of an interfacial, primarily electronic, self-induced dipole that results in a significant increase in the built-in potential and device open-circuit voltage. We will also demonstrate how the intentional introduction of dipoles can be used to experimentally increase the device performance.[2,3] Finally, with the help of device simulations we will explore the role of microstructure in determining the performance of perovskite solar cells.[4]

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