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Research Van Swinderen Institute

Master's project seminar: Niels Landsman

When:Tu 23-07-2024 13:00 - 14:00
Where:Zernikelaan 25, big conference room (5712 0238)

Synthesis of MNT products in a ⁶⁵Cu + ²⁰⁹Bi reaction at RITU

An analysis has been performed on an experiment investigating a ⁶⁵Cu + ²⁰⁹Bi reaction at the Coulomb barrier with RITU performed at the University of Jyväskylä (JYU). The aim is to investigate what nuclei are synthesised in the MultiNucleon Transfer (MNT) reactions. The RITU setup at the Accelerator laboratory in Jyväskylä (JYFL) has a variety of detectors to identify target-like and beam-like nuclides. Thirty-one target-like isotopes have been identified with certainty north of the target, reaching up to ²¹¹Th, which was done using α-decay, β-decay, prompt and isomeric γ-decays, as well as a variety of time-gating options. Four more nuclei were identified close to the target through prompt γ-decay. Also, spectroscopic and lifetime data have been provided for the isotopes identified through α-decay. Lastly, prospects of cross-section calculations have been discussed


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