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Research Urban and Regional Studies Institute CASUS
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Measuring and Imagining Spatial Design

Measuring and Imagining Spatial Design: integrating geospatial measurements and virtual realities to support spatial skills of students in collaborative spatial planning and design.

Date:31 May 2022
In this project we develop a teaching module including a Geospatialreality toolset, that enables the use of spatial data for designing an urban area informed by quantitative measurements of spatial features and subjective experiences in a Virtual Reality environment.

Tess Osborne is the co-author of a new monograph ‘Virtual Reality Methods: A Guide for Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities’.

Date:05 April 2022
Tess Osborne is the co-author of a new monograph ‘Virtual Reality Methods: A Guide for Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities’.
Using Virtual Reality in the planning process

Gerd Weitkamp on online citizen participation

Date:16 February 2022

In an online lecture for iBestuur (iGovernment), intended for governments that want to encourage online citizen participation, Gerd Weitkamp tells how new techniques can contribute to engaging citizens in spatial planning and environmental decision making,...

©UG, photo: Reyer Boxem

CASUS is making places better through Virtual Reality

Date:15 February 2022
CASUS has developed a design assignment in collaboration with the Reality Center in which Virtual Reality is used to promote collaboration during the design process.
Map of Zernike Campus

How to build the ideal campus - an interview with Isabelle Soares in UK

Date:18 November 2020
Her ideal campus is a mix of meeting places and diverging paths, with opportunities to sit, and trees and ponds throughout the area.

#ONING: Simulations and serious gaming in Higher Education

Date:21 May 2019

#ONING is een samenwerking tussen de Hanzehogeschool Groningen en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Op de bijeenkomsten van ONING vertellen docenten elkaar welke problemen ze door middel van welke innovatie hebben opgelost.

Designing with and in virtual reality

Article about CASUS and Mercator City in BIGnieuws

Date:21 February 2019

BIGnieuws, lijfblad voor de Bouw-, Infra- en GEO-ICT-professional, have featured CASUS and the Virtual Reality lab in an article. It is only available in Dutch

The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo

Date:20 September 2018

Claudia Yamu and Gerd Weitkamp gave talks on the use of virtual reality (VR) in education and research and multiscale spatial modeling.

Student working with an interactive 3D model in Virtual Reality

CASUS Virtual Reality Lab

Date:21 June 2018
CASUS has recently launched a Virtual Reality Lab
C. Yamu gave a talk at SUTD: "Smart Cities –Smart Citizens. The Social Side of Data-Driven Models in Urban Planning and Design"

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Date:05 April 2018

Claudia Yamu gave this week a talk at the LKY Centre for Innovative Cities about the social side of data-driven models. 

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