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Research Study Centre for Children, Migration and Law Pedagogical assessments

For children and youngsters


At the University of Groningen, research is being carried out for children and youngsters applying for a residence permit in the Netherlands. Maybe you will join this research as well. The researcher writes a report about how you are doing and what you need for your development. Your lawyer will send the report to the Immigration- and Naturalisation Service (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst – ‘IND’). Then, the IND can take into account your best interests, when making a decision about your residence permit.

Next to this, the University of Groningen also investigates the wellbeing of refugee children in the Netherlands and whether the IND or the judge take note of what is written about children in the reports. The things you tell us during the meeting are also important for this research.

1. Which children participate in the research?

We write reports for children and youngsters living in the Netherlands, who have applied for a residence permit. Children who came to the Netherlands without their parents, as well as children who live here with their family can participate in the research.

2. Who are the researchers?

You will talk with two people who know a lot about children and youngsters. They also know how to have a conversation with you in a way you feel comfortable.

3. What is the conversation about?

We will talk about your wellbeing, the things you are good at or that you find difficult to do, the things you worry about and your opinion about the future. Furthermore, we will discuss what it means for you if you could stay in the Netherlands or if you have to return to the country where you or your parents come from. For example we will ask questions about what you do during a day, what your life looked like in your country of origin – if you have any memories about this – and how you are doing at school.

4. What will happen during the meeting?

We will introduce ourselves and talk about the reason we want to talk with you. If your parents live in the Netherlands, they are also invited to join the meeting. One of the researchers will talk with your parent(s) and one researcher will talk with you (and your siblings). We will also do some small assignments, you can play, make drawings or paintings. After that, you may fill in some forms regarding how you are doing and what would be good for you. We will also ask whether you and your parents allow us to call people who know you well, for example your teacher.


5. What if I don’t know the answer to a question?

That is absolutely no problem. You can give your opinion and let us know how you feel. It is all about your story, so all the answers are right and you cannot make any mistakes. If you find it difficult to talk about certain subjects you can always tell us.

6. How long does the meeting take?

All together the meeting usually takes about three hours. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

7. Who will be part of the meeting?

If your parents and siblings live in the Netherlands, they are part of the meeting. Also, two researchers of the University of Groningen will join the meeting. If you or your parents do not speak Dutch well, there will be a translator to help us understand each other better.

8. Where will the meeting take place?

The meeting can take place at your home. Usually, the meeting takes place at the University of Groningen. We decide this together with you, your parents or your lawyer.

9. How can I be enrolled for the research?

Your lawyer or guardian can enroll you for the research through our website. Your lawyer can only enroll you if you and your parents or guardian give permission to do so.

10. What happens with the information I give during the meeting?

We write a report in which we describe how you and your family (if they are in the Netherlands) are currently doing, what your life will look like when staying in the Netherlands and when returning to the country where you or your parents were born. Your lawyer sends the report to the IND so they know better about the things that are important to you.

11. Is my information used for anything else?

A lot of research is carried out at the University of Groningen. We would like to use your information to gain knowledge about the wellbeing of refugee children in the Netherlands. Your information will be used anonymously. That means that we make sure no one knows this information concerns you.

12. Which other organizations are involved with refugee-children?

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.21 a.m.
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