REsearch in COPD: the additional value of non-invasive VEntilation on Rehabilitation
This website offers information about the RECOVER study, such as the study protocol, and the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Next to this you can download the patient information letter.
The study RECOVER
This research project started in September 1st, 2004 and is funded by the Dutch Asthma Foundation. The study investigates the effects of non-invasive ventilation on top of rehabilitation in COPD and will last for four years. It is conducted by Center of Home Mechanical Ventilation of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and rehabilitation centre Beatrixoord in Haren. The study is conducted by Marieke Duiverman (primary researcher and PhD student) and Gerrie Bladder (nurse practitioner) and they are supervised by Peter Wijkstra (pulmonologist, UMCG) and Johan Wempe (pulmonologist, UMCG).
By the end of January 2007, the last patients were included. We have closed our inclusion period. At this moment we are analyzing the data of 3 months rehabilitation+NIPPV versus 3 months rehabilitation without NIPPV.
More information
For more information, please contact Marieke Duiverman or Gerrie Bladder. You will find their telephone numbers and e-mail adresses through the ‘Contact’ button in the menu to the left.
Last modified: | 23 November 2012 10.03 a.m. |