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Research Our research Research per discipline Art History Patrician Patronage Project


For the purpose of the PPP a database of artworks and their patrons has been developed which, subsequently, allows to retrieve information by searching for artworks, patrons, owners, artists, techniques, subjects, provenance, locations and periods. Several researchers and interns studying the patrician patronage in Florence have entered and are still entering results of their research into the database. By storing the information that has been accumulated by different researchers in one place, the possibilities to compare information and seeing new connections becomes much easier.

The database already consists of a vast collection of commissioned works of art and architecture, put into the system as separate entries. Each entry consists of several tabs with relevant information: a description of the artwork and its commission, the artists involved, the used techniques, information about the patron, the provenance of the artwork and the most important literature on the object. A great advantage of the database is that continuously new data can be added, in a uniform way. This process will enrich the source of information from which can be drawn, without it becoming unorganized.

Currently, we are in the process of developing an interface and relevant search queries in order to be able to use the database and to make it accessible to scientists working in the field.

Last modified:08 May 2019 11.45 a.m.
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