OIKOS course - Greek Linguistics: An introduction to the historical sociolinguistics of Ancient and Medieval Greek (Ghent)
From: | Mo 18-12-2023 |
Until: | Tu 19-12-2023 |
Where: | Ghent University, t.b.a. |
This course offers an introduction to the historical sociolinguistic study of the Greek language, paying attention to different periods (Archaic, Classical, Post-classical and Medieval Greek), different text types (literary and non-literary) and different approaches (sociolinguistic, metalinguistic, sociopragmatic, sociocognitive, sociosemiotic, etc.). Both theory and reading actual texts are offered through six interactive seminars.
Dag(en) en tijdstip // days and date
18-19 december, 2023
Details over overnachtingsmogelijkheden // accomodation
Limited sponsorship is available for students from the Netherlands.
Prijs voor cursus / overnachting // price for course and accommodation
The course itself is free of charge, an overnight stay in Ghent costs around 100 euros.
Docenten // teaching staff
18 december: dr. Dalia Prattali Maffei (Archaic & Classical Greek), dr. Ezra la Roi (Classical Greek), dr. Chiara Monaco (Post-classical Greek)
19 december: Prof. Dr Andrea Cuomo
To participate, students can register with Prof. Dr Klaas Bentein or Prof. Dr Andrea Cuomo by sending an email to klaas.bentein ugent.be or andrea.cuomo ugent.be. Please include in your email a short motivation, including your background, research interests and why you would like to follow this course.
Students can register until the end of November at the latest.