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Forum Antiquum lecture - Meike Rühl (Osnabrück)

When:Th 04-05-2023 15:30 - 17:00
Where:Lipsius 148, Leiden

Every semester, the Classics department of Leiden University organizes a series of lectures (the Forum Antiquum). The lectures are held on Thursdays at 15:30. We invite both Dutch and international speakers and well-known experts and promising young researchers to speak about a topic of their choice.


23 February Hugo Koning en Bert van den Berg (Leiden)
23 March Giovanni Margiotta (Nijmegen)
6 April Jacqueline Klooster (Groningen) met Farida Batenburg en Vita Westra
20 April João Carlos Santos en João Luís Velaso Paixão (Leiden)
4 May Meike Rühl (Osnabrück)
11 May Chloe Balla (Univ. of Crete)

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