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UvA Classics Research Lab with Thomas Kuhn-Treichel

When:Fr 02-12-2022 16:00 - 17:00

On Friday afternoons, the UvA Classics Department organises weekly research labs, consisting of informal lectures or work-in-progress seminars by members of the department and guests from elsewhere. The sessions are organized by Luuk Huitink (l.huitink and Merlijn Breunesse (m.r.e.breunesse


14 October: George Baroud - The Style of Tacitus

21 October: Ezra la Roi - Counterfactuals in Ancient Greek: A State of the Art

28 October: Piril Us MacLennan - Spaces, Place, and Landscapes of Michael Attaleiates’s History

4 November: Leonie Henkes - To Cry or not to Cry: Norms for Weeping in Homer and Tragedy

2 December: Thomas Kuhn-Treichel - Lethal Narrating: On Narrators Killing Characters from Antiquity to the Present

9 December: Arjan Nijk - The Ethos of Resolution in Sophocles

16 December: Mark Heerink - Observations on the Text of Valerius Flaccus


Those who are interested in participating in the online Research Labs can send an email to Merlijn Breunesse (m.r.e.breunesse

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