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Meteorology beyond Borders: Ancient and Modern Reflections

From:We 06-07-2022
Until:Fr 08-07-2022

Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Project “GEOANATOMY” [no. 897785]:

International Conference: Meteorology Beyond Borders: Ancient and Modern Reflections

Utrecht/online, 6-8 July 2022. Organisers: Giouli Korobili & Teun Tieleman. Speakers include: Liba Taub (Cambridge), Paul Ziche (Utrecht), Susanne M. Hoffmann (Jena), Frederik Bakker (Nijmegen), Malcolm Wilson (Oregon), Frédéric Le Blay (Nantes) and Robert Mayhew (South Orange, New Jersey).

For more information, please visit the conference website:

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