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Impact of Empire Workshop (IMEM)

From:We 18-05-2022
Until:Sa 21-05-2022
Where:Huize Heyendael, Geert Grooteplein-Noord 9, Nijmegen

The next Impact of Empire workshop will take place in Nijmegen.


‘Traditional structures of power in the Roman Empire’

Wednesday 18 May

15.15 Welcome and introduction

15.30-16.15 (Keynote 1) Stéphane Benoist: Mos maiorum and res nouae. How Roman politics have conceived tradition, transformation, and innovation, from the 2nd c. BCE to the 4th c. CE

Coffee break

16.30-17.10 Luuk de Blois: The emperor Gallienus and the senators. Tradition, change, and perception

17.10-17.50 Rebecca Usherwood: Epigraphic erasures between traditional practice and local innovation

Drinks and conference dinner

Thursday 19 May

Tradition and power structures (1): human and divine

9.00-9.40 Amber Gartrell: The divine right to rule? Claiming the gods as legitimators of power

9.40-10.20 Fernando Lozano & Elena Muniz: Closing a highway to heaven: discontinuities in the divinization of human beings in Roman times

Coffee break

10.55-11.35 Livia Capponi: Augustus and traditional structures in Egypt: Egyptians, Greeks and Jews

Tradition and power structures (2): emperors and usurpers

11.35-12.15 Florian Groll: New victories, traditional celebrations? The role traditionalism played in the presentation of the military exploits of the domus Augusta


13.45-14.25 Giorgos Mitropoulos: Between tradition and change: Politics of Imitation in the Imperial East

14.25-15.05 Nikolas Hächler: Uses and limitations of tradition for the justification and establishment of usurped dominion in the Gallic and Palmyrene Empires

Coffee break

15.25 -16.10 (Keynote 2) Johannes Hahn: The Christianisation of Peak Sanctuaries in the Late Roman Near East

16.15-17.15 IMEM Board Meeting

Friday 20 May

Local and Roman traditions in establishing power structures

9-9.40 Sven Betjes: Paving the road of Hercules: road-building and the appropriation of local tradition in the age of Augustus

9.40-10.20 Ketty Iannantuono: Monumentalizing power in the Alps: the Arch at Segusium and the representation of local authority in the early-Augustan Empire

10.20-11.00 Sergio España-Chamorro: Between tradition and innovation: Place names and the geography of power in the Late Republican and Early Roman Empire in Hispania

Coffee break

The role of tradition in perceiving power structures (1): women and power

11.40-12.20 Elena Torregaray Pagola & Toni Ñaco del Hoyo: Women’s mediation and peace diplomacy: Augustan women through the looking glass

12.20-13.00 Margherita Carucci: Plotina and the (re)invention of the tradition of womanhood


The role of tradition in perceiving power structures (2): law

14.30-15.10 Juan Manuel Cortés-Copete: Imperator Nomothetes: Hadrian and the Renewal of Ancient Greek Constitutions

15.10-15.50 Christer Bruun: Municipal elections during the Principate (especially Ostia)


16.20-17.00 Elsemieke Daalder: ‘Tradition and innovation in the Caracallan rescript practice’

17.00-17.40 Francesco Bono: A rethoric memory of Rome in Justinian’s Novellae

Drinks and dinner

Saturday 21 May


8.28 Departure from Nijmegen Centraal Station

10.30 Arrival at Leiden Centraal Station

11.00 Visit to the exhibition God on Earth: Emperor Domitian (RMO - Leiden)

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