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Symposium - Jonge onderzoekers over de Oudheid/ Young voices on the Ancients

When:We 16-03-2022
Where:Online, RMO Leiden

This year ARCHON, supported by OIKOS, will organize a symposium during the Week van de Klassieken (Week of the Classics, 10 – 20 March 2022) in cooperation with the Allard Pierson Museum and the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO). The symposium is titled: 'Jonge onderzoekers over de Oudheid - Young voices on the Ancients' in which all ARCHON RMA and PhD students are welcome to present their research in a livestream for a broader, popular audience.

In order to get you prepared for presenting your research during this symposium, we offer two masterclasses in which you will be trained to write and present scientific findings for a popular audience. These will take place on 25 February at the Vrije Universiteit and 11 March at Leiden University. The final product will be the online presentation of your research through a livestream from the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) on Wednesday 16 March 2022, at the Week van de Klassieken.

Note that the main language of the symposium will be Dutch, but non-Dutch speakers are welcome to present in English. The masterclasses will also be in English.

Are you interested? Please use the registration form on the ARCHON website!


  • The research you are going to present does not have to be finished. It can be an ongoing research project, or even research that you just started.
  • The research can be connected to the ‘Classics’, but this is not mandatory.
  • The length of your presentation is 10 minutes, on top of that we reserve 5 minutes for questions.
  • The theme of this year’s ‘Week van de Klassieken’ is ‘propaganda’, so you might want to respond to this theme in your presentation, but this is not mandatory.
  • We welcome RMA and PhD students in Archaeology and Ancient Studies to participate.
  • It is mandatory to actively attend both masterclasses prior to the final presentation during the ARCHON Symposium at the Week van de Klassieken. ARCHON and OIKOS members can receive 1 ECT for their participation.

Preliminary program

Friday 25 February: Masterclass on how to present online to a popular audience by Sigrid van Roode at the Vrije Universiteit 13:00-17:00.

Friday 11 March: Workshop on science communication by Maikel Kuijpers at the University of Leiden (time will be announced a.s.a.p.)

Wednesday 16 March: ARCHON Symposium: 'Jonge onderzoekers over de Klassieken - Young voices on the Ancients' livestream from the RMO 14:00-17:00.

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