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OIKOS workshop Computational Approaches to ancient Greek and Latin

When:Tu 02-11-2021 12:00 - 18:30
Where:Norman building, Groningen and online

The OIKOS Platform Digital Classics in collaboration with the Centre for Language and Cognition (Faculty of Arts, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) is organizing a one-day workshop on Computational Approaches to ancient Greek and Latin.

About the workshop

The use of computational approaches (Natural Language Processing) to study classical languages is a new and exciting scholarly domain. This conference aims at exploring the potential of NLP to Ancient Greek and Latin, and at forging working relationships and collaborations between scholars pioneering this field.

The conference is of interest to classicists interested in digital resources, to computational linguists, especially those interested in low resource languages, and to others working on historical data and in the various branches of Digital Humanities.

The workshop is organized by Saskia Peels-Matthey (UG), Tazuko van Berkel (Leiden), Silvia Stopponi (UG) and Evelien de Graaf (UG).


noon-12.20 p.m. Walk-in, coffee and tea

12.20-12.30 p.m. Welcome

12.30-1.15 p.m. Alek Keersmaekers and Wouter Mercelis (Leuven)
'Improving morphological analysis of Greek with Transformer-based approaches: first results with Electra'
1.15-2.00 p.m. Margherita Fantoli (Leuven)
'Parsing Latin mathematical texts: concepts embedded in structures'

2.00-2.30 p.m. Break

2.30-3.15 p.m. Martina Rodda (Oxford)
'Can Distributional Semantics tell us something about Homer?'
3.15-4.00 p.m. Rachele Sprugnoli and Marco Passarotti (Milan)
'Latin Embeddings and the LiLa Knowledge Base of Interlinked Resources for Latin' (online talk)

4.00-4.15 Short break

4.15-5.00 p.m. Silvia Stopponi, Evelien de Graaf, Malvina Nissim and Saskia Peels-Matthey (RUG)
'Creating an Open-Access Benchmark for the Evaluation of Distributional Semantic Models of Ancient Greek' & 'Automatic lemmatization of Ancient Greek Inscriptions'

5.00-6.30 p.m. Closing and drinks


Attendance is free (both 'live' and online), but please register with Evelien de Graaf (

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