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18th Annual CMEMS Conference "(Beyond) Otherness"

From:Mo 21-06-2021
Until:Tu 22-06-2021

Students of the Research Master Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS) of the University of Groningen kindly invite you to the annual CMEMS conference.

About the theme

This year’s topic is otherness (the state of being other or different). This concept is traditionally used to capture the binary opposition between self and other. Recently, however, scholars moved beyond this traditional approach to instead focus on the space in-between the binaries, placing more emphasis on the interrelation between the self and other. We will explore the use of otherness and the potential benefits of moving beyond the traditional approach for the study of premodern history. During this multidisciplinary conference, speakers with various expertises will present their premodern case studies of otherness, particularly with regard to translating the other, creating and using otherness, the other in space and place, and non-human others.

Keynote speakers

We are delighted to announce that this year's keynote lectures will be given by Dr Susan Yi Sencindiver (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Dr Rebecca Merkelbach (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany).


Due to restrictions imposed by the pandemic the conference will be held online, taking place on 21 and 22 June. It is possible to attend both days or individual parts of each day.

Interested? For registration and detailed information about the speakers, topics and programme please visit the conference website, Follow our social media channels for regular updates. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at cmemsconference Admission is free of charge.

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