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Research Pediatrics
University Medical Center Groningen

Bart van de Sluis & Noam Zelcer awarded ENW-M grant

17 May 2023

A novel strategy to interrogate hepatic lipid metabolism

Prof. dr. ir. Bart van de Sluis & Prof. dr. Noam Zelcer (UMCG/AMC)

Different types of lipids, including cholesterol, are essential for our body to function, but excess in lipids can cause many diseases our society is currently facing, including fatty liver and cardiovascular diseases. It is therefore imperative to understand how lipid homeostasis is controlled at the mechanistic level in health and disease. In this project, we will use specific expertise of two scientists to set up a unique strategy to identify novel players that control lipid homeostasis. The knowledge obtained may help to find potential, eagerly needed and novel intervention strategies to treat lipid related diseases.

M-grants are intended for realising curiosity-driven, fundamental research of high quality and/or scientific urgency. The M-grant offers researchers the possibility to elaborate creative and risky ideas and to realise scientific innovations that can form the basis for the research themes of the future.

Read more about the programme:

Last modified:17 May 2023 09.23 a.m.
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