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Public Engagement Public Engagement

Secretarial training sessions

Are you regularly receiving ‘odd’ questions about specific topics, that in fact should be answered by specialized departments within the UG? Think for example of questions from the media, public services, companies or private persons. To answer these questions in a quick and efficient way, it is of importance that secretarial officers can forward them to the right research departments. The Public Engagenemt Team will provide every secretarial office with a flowchart that can help to bring relevant knowledge and data to the right spot in society.

In collaboration with various institutes, we will develop a course of one afternoon, during which secretarial officers can learn from each other what kind of questions they might have received. Thus, an exchange of best practices can take place. How do you get to know which research department might be the best place to get your questions answered? But secretarial officers could also be regarded as gatekeepers between the UG and society. A lot of know-how would easily be lost if university relies exclusively on knowledge that is produced from within its own ranks. By creating awareness amongst secretarial officers of the importance of citizen science, of opportunities for researchers and citizens to work together, we try to break down barriers between university and society.

Last modified:01 March 2023 12.07 p.m.
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