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Research Open Science Open Research Award

Using a short video to disseminate PhD results

Marlies Verhoeff (Internal Medicine, UMCG)

Open Research objectives/practices

The short video ensures free accessible information about my PhD thesis, both for lay persons as for professionals. It is an alternative model of publication that makes dissemination faster.


In February this year, the defense of my PhD thesis took place. Using the online video maker I created an animated video for interested parties, that provides a short overview of the motives for the thesis, the chapters and conclusions.


The defense ceremony at RUG does not include a presentation for lay persons. To inform the guests, who in this digital busy time often have limited time to read the whole thesis, or even the summary, I created this short video to introduce my topic and chapters. Moreover, I wanted to share my PhD thesis in an accessible manner on social media. Nowadays, short videos are a popular method for disseminating information on social media.

Lessons learned

A barrier to creating this video was time and a subscription to create this video without limitations/'Powtoon' brand. Nevertheless, because of the support of my supervisor who sponsored the subscription I was able to create this video. The statistics on Youtube show 616 views, which seems to be a substantial amount of viewers for a PhD thesis summary.

URLs, references and further information

Last modified:24 November 2023 11.46 a.m.