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Research Open Science

Academic training session: Scientific storytelling

When:Th 23-02-2023 09:00 - 11:00
Where:UMCG Faculty building, VIP room 0008 (3219.0008)
About the workshop

In this workshop, you will hear about why and how scientific storytelling is useful for you as a researcher. Through two exercises, you will learn methods to distill your main research theme and transport it, in a concise way, to various audiences.

For whom is this workshop?

This workshop is concentrating on the basic skills of scientific storytelling and therefore is ideal for PhD students and early postdocs.


Anja Smykowski is a former researcher, scientific publisher, grant writer and storyteller. She is using storytelling techniques derived from screenwriting to transport scientific content. After all, science is not only about facts, but also about how you combine these facts to make sense.

When and where

Thursday, 23rd of February 2023, 9.00 -11.00 am

UMCG Faculty building, VIP room 0008 (3219.0008)


Employees from the UG can sign up for the workshops here .

Please note that you need to register first before you can enrol yourself for one of the workshops. You can do so with your UG account. After enrolment you can select Ga naar de Cursus and select the timeframe of the workshop that you want to follow. After that you can click on Inschrijven and you are enrolled.

UMCG employees can sign up here .

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