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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Ocean Ecosystems

IMAKA lecture prof.dr. Anita Buma: Effects of climate change on the polar seas

24 March 2015

The effects of climate change are clearly visible nowadays in the Arctic and Antarctic ocean. In this IMAKA lecture, Prof.dr. Anita Buma explains the influencing factors on the functioning of marine food webs in the polar regions as well as how climate change engages here. Special attention will be paid to the intriguing world of plankton, including the Dutch research on the British base Rothera (Antarctica) in the past two years.

When: Monday 30 March at 19:30h
Where: Arctic Centre, A-weg 30, Groningen (entrance Herman Colleniusstraat)
Admission: € 2,-; students € 1,-
Language: Dutch

Last modified:16 February 2017 09.37 a.m.

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