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Research Nieuwenhuis Institute for Educational Research Education in Culture

Education in Culture

Humans acquire culture through education, and the content, method and organization of education is determined by culture. The Education in Culture research unit (EiC) examines this complex interplay between education and culture by investigating a wide range of issues concerning schooling, upbringing, training and care. That is, we have an interest in both formal education as well as informal and non-formal care and upbringing, and child and youth development more generally.

We examine education and socialization in the context of local, regional, transnational and global cultural dynamics. We have particular expertise in qualitative research methods, and interdisciplinary efforts, applying insights from Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Historical Sciences, Literary Studies, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Psychology. Our research stresses the importance of contextualization, including those of race/ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and religion, and we frequently apply historical perspectives. Our research topics include citizenship education, science reform, and suicide prevention.

At the University of Groningen, we organize the Archive and Documentation Center for Dutch Behavioural Sciences (ADNG) and take leading roles in the expertise centres LGBTQIA+ Research and Dutch Expertise Centre for Theory & History of Education and Psychology (DEEP).

For students, we provide courses on bachelor and master level that includes the master-track Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law.

Chair: Johannes Westberg

Last modified:10 March 2025 10.36 a.m.