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Onderzoek Kapteyn Instituut DOTliveplanetarium

DOTliveplanetarium: "The Red Planet" (EN)

Wanneer:di 19-11-2019 20:00 - 21:00
Waar:DOT, Vrydemalaan 2, 9713 WS Groningen

We're going to Mars in our 20 meter dome. It's a planet that has always had our attention, as bright and red as it is on our sky. Since it's the planet with an orbit closest to that of Earth, we have sent space probes and rovers there many a time. At this moment, there are eight active Mars Missions, the Curiosity Rover and the Mars Reconnaissane Orbiter being well-known examples.

During this show we'll first show you the night sky, after which we'll take you along to the Red Planet. We'll tell a bit about our history with our planetary neighbour and tell you some of the unique things about Mars, aided by recent images from the many Mars missions.

De planetariumshow is van 20:00 - 21:00 in DOT, Vrydemalaan 2, Groningen. Wees graag om 19:45 aanwezig voor toegang tot de dome. Voertaal is Engels. Tickets kosten €6,00 per persoon.

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