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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) News

Paper Religion: Affordances and Uses in Christian Practices 1400 - 1800

From:Th 27-05-2021
Until:Sa 29-05-2021

From 27 to 29 May, the Centre for Religion and Heritage of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies is hosting "Paper Religion: Affordances and Uses in Christian Practices 1400 - 1800."

An international interdiscipinary scholarly symposium on the medium of paper, its affordances, and uses during a period of transition in early modern Christianity. Speakers bring into conversation different religious groups sharing a common dependency on paper for the distribution of new visual and textual cultures: from prints to drawings, from emblem books to sacred music.

Poster for the symposium Paper Religion

Keynote speaker: David Morgan
(Duke University)

Closing Address: Ann-Sophie Lehman
(University of Groningen)

The symposium will take place online.
Registration is free.

For the programme, registration, and other queries: paperreligion2021
(registration deadline: 21 May 2021)