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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) News


Call for Papers: Religious Temporalities and the Ancient City
Posted on:23 October 2024

This workshop aims to explore the diversity of temporalities of the ancient city through the lens of religion.

The submission deadline is 25 January.

Call for Papers: Language and Cultural Interactions in the Roman World: The Impact of Inscriptions
Posted on:01 October 2024

Our aim is to explore the topic of cultural interaction through the lens of inscriptions. The conference focuses on language and on how the choice of language functioned in its original context as a way to manage the common ground, and thereby the mutual relations, of the parties involved.

The submission deadline is 21 October 2024.

Will there be a female American president?
Posted on:01 October 2024

Historian Jelte Olthof is interested in the origins, workings, and influence of the US Constitution. How does the 1787 Constitution function in present-day America? An America that is rapidly changing and where, in 2024, a female president may be elected for the first time.

Preserving the web for researchers of the future
Posted on:02 September 2024

How do you archive the internet? What are you going to keep and what are you not going to keep? And who decides this? These are questions that Susan Aasman thinks about on a daily basis. The media historian and Professor of Digital Humanities at the UG is a strong advocate of preserving the digital cultural heritage. ‘Eighty percent of the history of the internet is already gone.’

NWO Veni project studies Western games' adaptation to Chinese worldviews
Posted on:25 July 2024

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to Lars de Wildt, to fund his project 'Reorienting global gaming: how Western games adapt to Chinese worldviews.'

Call for Papers - Bridging Regions: Addressing Climate Change and Renewable Energy Challenges and Opportunities in EU, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus
Posted on:24 July 2024

This workshop will shed light on the discussions, and will seek to understand the main dynamics that will shape the future energy policy, regional cooperation and sustainable development. We will contribute to the scholarship on renewable energy security, climate change and energy transition both empirically and theoretically.

The submission deadline is 25 August 2024.

Call for Expressions of Interest - Digital Ethnography for Public Engagement
Posted on:15 July 2024

We invite you to participate in a day of exchange and reflection about the ways digital ethnography can be used in research that is oriented towards public engagement and societal impact.

The submission deadline is 30 September 2024.

‘We are much more connected to our distant ancestors than we think’
Posted on:13 June 2024

Sixteen thousand years ago, people already made art for their enjoyment, had advanced technologies, cared for one another, and adored their dogs, who they kept as their companions. ‘They were civilized human beings like you and me,’ says Inanna Hamati-Ataya, Professor of Global International Relations at the Faculty of Arts.

NWO Open Competition XS grants for three Faculty of Arts researchers
Posted on:30 May 2024

Dr Marc Esteve Del Valle, Dr Rachel Johnston-White, and Dr Jelte Olthof from the Faculty of Arts have each been awarded a research grant from NWO. The grant is part of the Open Competition XS program and is worth up to 50,000 euros.

Ministry of Defence sustained difficult position of women in armed forces
Posted on:27 May 2024

Recruiting, retaining, and promoting women is a problem for the Ministry of Defence. With her research, PhD student Kim Bootsma shows that this has been going on for decades and that, initially, the Ministry of Defence sustained this problem.

Fascinated by unusual music genres and their influence on people
Posted on:14 May 2024

Musicologist and music philosopher Chris Tonelli is fascinated by unusual music genres and their influence on people. ‘I love music that encourages people to create something themselves.’

NWO Impact Explorer for Suzanne Manizza-Roszak's impactful postcolonial literary research
Posted on:03 May 2024

Suzanne Manizza-Roszak, Assistent Professor English at the Faculty of Arts has received an Impact Explorer grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for her postcolonial literary research and the project to translate the results into social impact.

Trump or no trump, that is the question
Posted on:22 April 2024

UG researchers Ritumbra Manuvie, Pieter de Wilde, and Lisa Gaufman look ahead to the elections in India, Europe, and the United States, respectively. This week: Lisa Gaufman.

‘The European elections will be as boring as always’
Posted on:15 April 2024

UG researchers Ritumbra Manuvie, Pieter de Wilde, and Lisa Gaufman look ahead to the elections in India, Europe, and the United States, respectively. This week: Pieter de Wilde. He predicts that the European elections will be as boring as always.

The woman’s body in a man’s world
Posted on:09 April 2024

Professor of Health and Humanities Rina Knoeff and assistant professor of Cultural Heritage, Identity, and Early Modern History Karen Hollewand make a case for gender health equality between men and women in medical sciences. ‘I believe we need to add some nuance to the huge tirades against the patriarchal society.’

Call for Papers - Iran and China: Common heritage and contemporary relations
Posted on:08 April 2024

Since ancient times, connections between Iran and China have flourished through trade and literature. Today a large amount of extant tangible and intangible cultural heritage exists in both Iran and China attesting to this shared history. Given its historical significance and contemporary relevance, the goal of this conference is to bring together scholars considering these common ties of cultural heritage, as well as how they are situated in contemporary academic, political, or cultural debates.

The submission deadline is 15 May 2024.

The pros and cons of menstrual tracking apps
Posted on:04 April 2024

Millions of women worldwide use apps that provide insight into their monthly cycles. The makers of these apps promote their products as tools for women to better understand their bodies and gain a sense of control. But do the actual users of these apps feel the same way? That is what Lisa Stuifzand investigated in her Master's thesis. She, along with her thesis supervisor, Dr Rik Smit, a lecturer in Media Studies, then turned the thesis into a scientific publication.

Research Grant for Preaching Project
Posted on:02 April 2024

Karène Sanchez-Summerer, professor of Middle Eastern Studies, has been awarded a grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, the French equivalent of NWO), for the research project PredicMo, which will study preaching. The project, which starts this year and will last until 2028, is a collaboration with the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations in Marseille.

Tone of reporting on climate change has become increasingly urgent since the nineties
Posted on:21 March 2024

The terminology used by newspapers in reporting on climate change has undergone significant changes from 1995 to 2019. Newspapers from different parts of the world are employing terms that convey a growing sense of urgency. However, much of the reporting on this global phenomenon remains focused on the causes and solutions within national borders. This is revealed by research conducted by Stijn Eikelboom, MSc, Dr Marc Esteve Del Valle, and Prof Malvina Nissim from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Groningen, which they are publishing in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.

Updated Call for Papers: 25 Years After Hillenbrand. New Approaches to Sources Translation and Perspectives
Posted on:20 March 2024

Carole Hillenbrand’s seminal work, The Crusades Islamic Perspectives was published 25 years ago. In the time since its publication, Islamic experiences of the crusading phenomenon have been repositioned as a central element of crusader studies. Yet questions remain about how the field moves onwards from here. The workshop will highlight and further develop the latest advances in the study of materiality, objects and artefacts, art history, intellectual history, historiography, translation studies, the history of emotions, digital humanities, memory and remembrance, and medievalism.

The deadline for abstracts is 11 April 2024.

What can ‘Europe’ learn from its citizens?
Posted on:11 March 2024

What are the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the implemented measures for citizens’ trust in politics and science? What lessons can policymakers in Europe and elsewhere draw from this to tackle a potential next pandemic? Benjamin Leruth, researcher and assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts, researched these questions in five European countries. He uses so-called citizens’ juries, small groups of engaged citizens that hold discussions and make recommendations to national and European political bodies. ‘Policymakers should have structural discussions with citizens about important political themes.’

Gaming: only the benefits of religion but not the drawbacks
Posted on:06 February 2024

Lars de Wildt researches the similarities between gaming and religion. In the article, he discusses factors such as music, social community and aesthetics.

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