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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) News

Call for papers: 24th Medieval Studies Day, Leiden

05 November 2018

The 24th Medieval Studies Day will take place on Friday 30 November 2018, at Leiden University. The plenary session will be organized in the morning, in the Lorentzhall of the Kamerlingh Onnes building (Law Faculty); after lunch project presentations will be held in various class rooms of the recently renovated P.J. Veth building (near the Hortus Botanicus). Both locations are in the heart of academic Leiden, and at a walking distance from each other and the railway station.

During the plenary session two key note lectures will be given around the theme of ‘The Global Middle Ages/Globalising the Middle Ages’. One will be delivered by Hilde de Weerdt, Professor of Chinese History at Leiden University, the other by Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Professor of Medieval History at Leiden University.

It will also be possible to visit the famous visit to the famous Bibliotheca Thysiana, where you will be taken round by one of the curators (Paul Hoftijzer and Wim van Anrooij).

PDF Programme


Please, register for the day by sending an e-mail to ozsmed, preferably before November 15. There is an attendance fee of 10 euros, which will cover expenses for coffee/tea, lunch and drinks. You are requested to pay the fee before November 15 to the account NL89 ABNA 04 8871 1827, with the reference ‘P.C.M. Hoppenbrouwers [inzake Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis], Doelensteeg 16, 2311 VL Leiden.’

Project presentations

There still is plenty of room for PhD students (also external candidates), postdocs or PI’s of research projects to present their research(project) in a short paper of ca. 20 minutes, either in Dutch or English. Just send the title of your paper by e-mail to the organiser: p.c.m.hoppenbrouwers

Participating Research MA students who write a short paper can obtain 1 ECTS. If you would like to participate in this assignment, please send an e-mail to  ozsmed (also if you have already done so)! Information about the requirements of this paper will follow.

Last modified:05 November 2018 12.02 p.m.

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