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NWO CFP - Security & Rule of Law: The Political Dilemma of Legitimate Stability

Deadline: 5 June 2018
15 May 2018

Security & Rule of Law - Applied Research Fund - Call for applied research on the political dilemma of legitimate stability

NWO-WOTRO's Security & Rule of Law research programme launches a call for preliminary proposals within the Applied Research Fund - a subsidy scheme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs - focussing on legitimate stability. The focus of the call is developed by the SRoL Knowledge Platform. Consortia consisting of (at least) one practitioner and one research organisation are invited to submit proposals. Projects will have a duration of six to nine months.


The aim of this call for proposals is to strengthen the evidence-base on how Security & Rule of Law policies and/or programmes can strengthen legitimate stability in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS), in an effort to achieve sustainable peace and development.

Each research project should contribute to two objectives:

A. Develop evidence-based insights on how Security & Rule of Law policies and/or programmes focusing on human security, rule of law and/or political governance can become more sensitive to, or stimulate, legitimate stability.

B. Facilitate the uptake of the knowledge generated, so that it can be applied by practitioner organisations , including public policy organisations, involved in SRoL policies and/or programmes. Findings should be communicated in such a way that these organisations can easily use the knowledge to (re-)design, or integrate into,  the policies and/or programmes described under A.

What to apply for

The maximum available budget per project within this call amounts to 100.000 euros for a project with a duration of six months and 150,000 euros for a duration of 9 months. Applicants may also apply for a project of seven or eight months. This budget can be raised with 50% (amounting to a maximum of 150.000 euros for a project with a duration of six months, and a maximum of 225.000 euros for a project of nine months), in case a project can clearly demonstrate that they undertake either of the following in the project:

  • The project compares (similar) interventions within two or more countries;
  • The project addresses two or more of the lines of inquiry of this call.

When to apply

  • The deadline for preliminary proposals is 5 June 2018, 14.00 CEST.

Projects will be notified whether they are advised to submit a full proposal in the last week of June.

  • The deadline for full proposals is set on 7 August 2018, 14.00 CEST.

For more information on this call for proposals and the application procedure, visit the NWO website.

Last modified:07 August 2020 08.26 a.m.

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