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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG)

The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG)

The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (Instituut voor Cultuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Groningen: ICOG) is one of the three research institutes within the Faculty of Arts. ICOG is home to a wide range of disciplines, from History, the Arts, Literatures and Cultures, American Studies, and Media and Journalism Studies, to International Relations, Humanitarian Action and Area Studies. Beyond their distinct subject areas and approaches, these disciplines share their interest for culture as the practices through which, now as in the past, humans define and negotiate their values, organize their societies, manage diversity, and reflect on impactful changes.

While mainly centred around Western culture from classical antiquity to the present day, research in ICOG also pays special attention to emerging areas such as China and South-East Asia, Russia, Mexico, and Canada.


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