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Research Groninger Expertisecentrum Taal- en Communicatiestoornissen


The GELC offers researchers in the area of language and communication disorders a platform to exchange knowledge and to find expertise on (research on) language and communication disorders and on specific populations. The GELC can facilitate by making clinical methods available to diverse patient populations and by gathering populations for research. Furthermore, this platform can offer help and guidance to beginning researchers, for example with the preparation of proposals for the Medical Ethical Committee (METc) and the writing of research proposals. The GELC will also submit its own research proposals for fundamentea and clinical patient-related research.

Overview of current projects

(Web-based) apps: language tests for aphasia:

Web-based reading for individuals with aphasia (WEBLIA)

Web-based program that generates news texts adapted to the individual reading level of people with aphasia.

In collaboration with: EDIA BV, funded by Stichting Afasie Nederland(SAN).


Web-based version of aphasia therapy program Verb production at the Word and Sentence Level (Bastiaanse et al. 1997).

In collaboration with: Appfixers.

Token Test

App version of the shortened Token Test (De Renzi & Faglioni, 1978). This app is available in 40 languages/dialects (more information).

No current news available at the moment.
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