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Research GION education/research

Save the date: Symposium Diversity in Education

25 January 2019

In the year of the university’s 81st lustrum celebration “All inclusive”, GION Education/Research, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, presents the symposium:

“There's more in me, than the eye can see: embracing gender and ethnic-cultural diversity in education”

  • Date: May 15th 2019
  • Time: 10:00-18:00 hours
  • Location: Academy Building, University of Groningen

This symposium focuses on two prominent domains of diversity that are highly relevant for students’ social identity and their educational success: ethnic-cultural diversity and gender diversity, and their interaction (intersectionality). It entails a hands-on event with workshops and two keynote lectures by internationally renowned experts on diversity, Dr. Els Consuegra (Free University of Brussels) and Dr. Orhan Agirdag (University of Amsterdam, KU Leuven). We reach out to educational researchers and educational sociologists in the field, by providing a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences, and discussing approaches to acknowledge the interrelated domains of ethnic-cultural diversity and gender diversity in research and education.

Save the date, more information will follow!

Organized by:

  • Dr. Marjolein Deunk (
  • Dr. Hanke Korpershoek (
  • Mariëtte Hingstman, MSc (
  • Drs. Denise Leidelmeijer (
  • Annegien Langeloo, MSc (
  • Marta Moreno Hidalgo (m.moreno.hidalgo

Sponsored by:

  • The Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR) - Division Education & Society (Onderwijs & Samenleving / OOMO)
Last modified:20 June 2024 07.47 a.m.
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