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PhD defence A. Osipyan

When:Tu 07-11-2023 16:15 - 17:15
Where:Academy Building

Design and synthesis of ligands targeting MIF family enzymes and their application in medicinal chemistry

The thesis of Angelina Osipyan addresses several aspects of the design and synthesis of ligands targeting the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) proteins family and their application in medicinal chemistry. The human MIF family consists of MIF, its functional homolog D-dopachrome tautomerase (D-DT, also known as MIF-2), and the relatively unknown protein named DDT-like (DDTL). In this work, we implement new drug design modalities and contribute to the development of therapeutic strategies against cancer and inflammatory diseases. Through thorough literature research, exploration of novel synthetic approaches, structure-activity relationship studies, and cell-based studies, we made a step forward toward understanding the function of MIF family enzymes in cells. Despite no MIF or D-DT targeted drugs being available on the market currently, due to the fact that creating the drug with promising efficacy and safety profile remains challenging, our work demonstrates the potential for future clinical studies in the field.

Promotores Prof.dr. F.J. Dekker and Prof.dr. G.J. Poelarends

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