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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Law PhD Programme


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The training program for PhD's is organized by both the Graduate School of the Faculty of Law (GGSL) and the University Groningen Graduate School (GGS). Both Graduate Schools offer modules for PhD's during the period they spend writing their thesis. The GGS offers courses relevant to all PhD's, no matter their discipline, whereas the GGSL offers courses specifically interesting for those specializing in legal research.

The aim of GGSL's Doctor in Law Programme is to train PhD researchers to conduct high-level legal research and guide them towards successfully completing their doctoral thesis.

The GGSL aims to create an inspiring, supportive, international research environment where senior and junior researchers meet and learn from each other. Critical reflection, a multidisciplinary approach to the various legal disciplines, and the exchange of ideas and experience of all researchers are important elements in the whole PhD trajectory.

In the first three months of their appointment, the PhD researchers finalise their research proposal. In addition to the assessment of this research proposal by their promotor and supervisor, it should be assessed and approved by the Faculty's Scientific and Ethics Committee. Unless different arrangements are made, PhD researchers do not have any teaching obligations.

Toward the end of the first year, the Director of the GGSL reviews the progress of the research based on the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP), the approved research proposal, and proof of what has been achieved (chapter, article, report). Participation in the PhD Training programme is also reviewed. Based on these documents and after an interview with the PhD and supervisors in which successes but also potential problems are discussed, the Director then decides about the continuation of the project.

PhD researchers will receive professional guidance from their promotor and supervisor. They are included in the research community at different levels: by maintaining close contacts with fellow PhD researchers, their supervisors, the entire academic staff, and researchers from other disciplines. They will also be stimulated to take part in scientific activities - such as attending and presenting their findings at a national or international conference - and to publish articles in scientific journals.

Every second year, an extensive survey is held among all PhD students of the University of Groningen, assessing their motivation, satisfaction, and training environment. Here you can read the latest PhD survey of 2023.

Last modified:12 March 2025 3.56 p.m.
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