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Education The Faculty Graduate Schools Graduate School of Law Master programme

Entry requirements

The research master is a selection master with an application process. Interested parties can apply before the following academic year.

A student must, in any case, meet the following admission requirements:

  • Possession of a legal WO bachelor's degree
  • In the case of a non-legal bachelor's degree, it must be made clear what the affinity is with the legal domain
  • possession of sufficient knowledge, insight, and skills for legal research training
  • candidates whose native language is not English must provide adequate evidence of proficiency in English. We accept the following tests:
    • (International) internet TOEFL (to be sent in through our institutional code 7191): score of at least 100, all sections sufficient (so at least 21 on each section and at least 23 on the writing section);
    • (Academic) IELTS Academic (British Council’s English Language Test): score of at least 7.0, all sections sufficient (so at least 6.0 on each section and at least 6.5 on the writing section);
    • Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English);
    • Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE, Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English)

The admission and selection committee looks at the following selection criteria:

  • an appropriate attitude and motivation for attending the program;
    interest in doing research;
  • talent for pursuing the program.

The above selection criteria are tested based on the following documents:

  • attitude: written results of the previously conducted research, such as papers, theses, and scientific articles;
  • motivation: a letter of motivation to do this program, based on one's expectations, interests, and ambitions;
  • talent: an overview of all study results obtained so far, including examinations that have not been passed.

A student may submit other documents which, in the opinion of the prospective student, may contribute to a clear picture of the suitability for following this program.

Last modified:11 July 2024 09.38 a.m.
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