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Research Department of Genetics Staff
University Medical Center Groningen

Alexander Kurilshikov, PhD

Assistant Professor
Dr. Alex Kurilshikov
Dr. Alex Kurilshikov

MSc (2009) Dept of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk State University, Russian Federation

PhD (2016) ICBFM SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Research interests: microbiome, bioinformatics, genomics, computational biology, systems biology, machine learning


See all my papers in Google scholar

Latest news

  • Feb 2024 – Promoted to Assistant Professor in Department of Genetics of UMCG
  • Nov 2023 – Awarded Clarivate Top Cited Researchers Award 2023
  • Apr 2023 – Awarded ZonMW MECVS grant
  • Nov 2022 – Awarded Clarivate Top Cited Researchers Award 2022
  • Nov 2019 – Appointed a project leader within ExposomeNL consortium
  • Dec 2017 – Appointed a coordinator of MiBioGen consortium

Research lines

1. Role of the microbiome in mediating environmental effects on human health. In previous studies I have identified genetic and external factors that drive changes in microbiome composition, thereby, in turn, affecting human health and disease. However, a substantial number of environmental factors remained out of scope in these studies because of the challenges involved in their measurement. These factors include chemical, noise and dust pollution, access to green space and transportation, and other factors being studied by exposome research. As many of these factors are known, or assumed, to have a substantial effect on human health, I hypothesise that the microbiome might act as a mediator or a footprint of such environmental effects.

2. The effect of the microbiome in the pathogenesis of noncommunicable diseases. This research line is being addressed by many of my studies, but there many more diseases with understudied aetiologies in which the microbiome is also assumed to contribute. In several large-scale studies, I previously revealed the connection of microbiome with IBD, IBS, depression, CVD and other diseases. I am now going to continue this research line by studying the microbiome signatures and drivers of other diseases. Within this, my current efforts are focused on ME/CFS and disorders of newborns and their mothers.

Selected papers

Teaching experience

  • Course ordinator and teacher in “Big Data in Human Disease” course for bachelor students, UMCG (2020-now).
  • Week coordinator and teacher in Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (MMIT) master program, UMCG (2020-now)
Last modified:07 May 2024 10.55 a.m.