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Research Department of Genetics
University Medical Center Groningen

Three awards for department researchers at the ESHG/EMPAG meeting

28 June 2018
Our award winners (L to R): Dylan de Vries, Julie el Mecky, and Alex Kurlishikov.

Three department researchers were honored with awards at the 2018 European Society of Human Genetics Meeting (ESHG)/European Meeting Psychosocial Aspects of Medical Genetics (EMPAG), which took place June 16-19 in Milan, Italy.

Dylan de Vries was awarded an ESHG young investigator award for his presentation on Personalized co-expression networks reveal genetic risk factors that change the regulatory wiring of cells.

Julia el Mecky was awarded an EMPAG young investigator award for her presentation on Disclosure of incidental findings (IFs) and variants of uncertain significance (VUS) to patients: what happens in practice?

Alex Kurlishikov was awarded the ESHG outstanding poster award for his poster on MiB ioGen a new consortium for meta-analysis of human genome-microbiome association.

Congratulations to all three winners and their colleagues!

Last modified:28 June 2018 11.52 a.m.

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