NIH Director, Francis Collins, visits department

Prof. Francis Collins, the director of NIH and Obama's advisor on healthcare, visited the Department of Genetics on 17-18th March 2015. He gave two excellent talks to packed theatres on the exciting advances being made in genomics, the new US Precision Medicine Initiative, and aspects of healthy ageing.
During his visit he met with PhD students and postdocs to hear about their cutting edge research, and he met members of the UMCG board, the Queen's Commissioner and Groningen town mayor. He was also one of the supervisors (promotors) at the PhD graduation ceremony on 18th March of Michael Erdos, a Senior Staff Scientist at NIH.
Collins was leader of the major international effort, the Human Genome Project, which sequenced human DNA and produced the first draft of the human genome in 2001.
Artikel in Dagblad van het Noorden, 18 maart 2015 (in Dutch)
Adviseur Obama komt naar UMCG Interview met prof. Cisca Wijmenga, hoofd afdeling genetica, op RTV Noord over de bezoek van Professor Francis Collins (in Dutch)

Last modified: | 14 December 2023 08.15 a.m. |
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