First scientific Dutch Ataxia Symposium
The first scientific Dutch Ataxia Symposium will be held on June 8, 2018 in the UMCG, Groningen. This one-day meeting will bring together a wide range of ataxia scientists to increase and strengthen national collaborations. This symposium will also raise the profile of ataxia research in the Netherlands and develop opportunities for young scientists to pursue a career in ataxia research.
Dr. Luis Pereira de Almeida will be the inaugural keynote speaker. Dr. Almeida will present his work on Machado-Joseph disease/spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 that focuses on disease-modifying and gene-silencing approaches.
Registration is free of charge and will close the 31st of March. All students, researchers and clinicians with an interest in ataxia are invited to participate. For more information about registration and participation see the Symposium poster here.
For more about our department's Ataxia research see here.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 26 februari 2018 13:47 |
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