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About us FEB Research FEB Research Institute (FEBRI) Research programme GEM

Global Economics and Management

The research in our programme deals with the firm in a globalizing world. Using the onion model to depict the topic, it consists of three layers. First, globalization affects the environment within which the firm is operating. Studying the effects can be done at various levels, ranging from the relations between countries to the level of the market for an individual good. The changing surroundings of the today’s multinational firms are studied in international economics (IE). Second, how the economic environment of the firm (and in particular the market in which it operates) affects the strategic choices and behavior of the firm is analyzed in international business (IB). Third, the changing surroundings of the firm also induce changes in the internal structure of the firm, which is at the heart of international management (IM). In a nutshell, the outside, the inside and their interaction.