NVvM Cryo-EM meeting in Groningen

Invitation to the
NVvM Cryo Workgroup Spring Meeting
Thursday 31 May, 2018
Energy Academy / room 5159.0029
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
This year’s spring meeting of the cryo-electron microscopy workgroup of the NVvM, will be held on Thursday 31 May 2018, at the Energy Academy, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 6, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
We are delighted to have as keynote speaker:
Prof. Werner Kühlbrandt (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt)
10:00 Registration and Welcome with coffee
10:30 Keynote lecture: Werner Kühlbrandt (MPI, Frankfurt), "High-resolution cryo-EM of membrane protein complexes"
11:10 Alisa Garaeva (UG), "Structure of human neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2"
11:30 Wout Oosterheert (UU),"Cryo-EM structures of a human membrane enzyme bound to its redox cofactors"
11:50 Marc Stuart (UG), "Solvent mixing to induce molecular motor aggregation into bowl-shaped particles"
12:10 Lunch
13:00 Casper Berger (UM), "Cryo-electron tomography of FIB-lamellae of infected primary immune cells: secretion systems in situ"
13:20 Wen Yang (UL), "New insights into bacterial chemoreceptor array from electron cryotomography"
13:40 Miguel Leung (UU), "In situ cryo-electron microscopy and tomography of mammalian sperm"
14:00 Bernd Volbert (Namitec), "A new approach to preparing site-specific TEM lamella on high pressure frozen samples"
14:25 Coffee and tea
14:50 Nicole van der Wel (AMC), "Condensation of DNA as a generic stress response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
15:10 Jochem Pronk (TUD), "Single cell liquid biopsy for cryo-EM sample preparation"
15:30 Stuart Howes (LUMC), "Antibody oligomerization and C1 binding on antigenic liposome surfaces"
15:55 Concluding remarks and drinks
We invite everybody interested in or working with cryo electron microscopy to register for attendance or a presentation. Please register before 22th of May 2018.
The meeting will be held at the Energy Academy of the University of Groningen at the Zernike Campus, which is 15 minutes from Groningen train station (Bus #15, bus stop Nijenborgh).
Prior to the Spring Meeting the opening of the new Cryo-EM Facility at the University of Groningen will take place on Wednesday 30 May, from 4 pm. We will not only celebrate the future, but also look back in history and celebrate the 60 years of EM history at Groningen. A more international and broader talk on the advances of EM will be given by Werner Kühlbrandt. You are cordially invited to be present at this occasion. Please indicate your interest on the registration form.
Please download the flyer here.
On behalf of the Cryo-EM workgroup,
Roman Koning and Friedrich Förster, Cristina Paulino and Gert Oostergetel
Route to Linnausborg (Opening on Wednesday May 30)
More information on how to reach the Energy Academy (NVvM Spring Meeting on Thursday May 31)
Kindly supported by:

For info: gbboffice@rug.nl
Last modified: | 23 May 2018 09.46 a.m. |