Simon Gazagnes wins Best Poster award at the DSSC PhD meeting!
The DSSC PhD meeting on 25 April brought together DSSC PhDs and PhDs from collaborators in Computational and Numerical Mathematics and Engineering who introduced their projects via posters and pitches. All the posters were of high quality and received praise from the audience and the interdisciplinary jury composed of Dr. Jorge Perez (computer science), Dr. Daniel Valesin (math) and Dr. Marco Wiering (AI).
The Best Poster award was presented to Simon Gazagnes for the poster The study of gas regions evolution during the first billions years of the universe with distributed forests.
The complete poster line-up included:
Hamed Ayoobi (AI, engineering), Handling Unforeseen Failure Conditions Using Argumentation-Based Learning.
Hyoyin Gan (computer science, astronomy), Analysing time dependence of noise in LOFAR-EoR power spectra.
Simon Gazagnes (computer science, astrophysics, particle physics). The study of gas regions evolution during the first billions years of the universe with distributed forests
Jigar Parekh (computational and numerical mathematics), Uncertainty quatification in wind farm simulations.
Ronald Remmerswal (computational and numerical mathematics), Numerical Modeling of Breaking Wave Impacts during Sloshing of LNG.
Yuzhen Qin (multi-agent systems), How synchrony patterns arise in human brain networks.
Henk van Waarde (mathematics, engineering), Topological Conditions for Identifiability of Dynamical Networks.
Georg Wilding (mathematics, astronomy), Connectivity of the cosmic web: Persistent topology of the Megaparsec Universe.
Jiwoo You (computer science, astronomy), Low-complexity, parallel and distributed algorithms to detect and classify objects in large infrared, hyper-spectral and 3D sensor images.

Last modified: | 13 May 2024 09.37 a.m. |
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