DSSC PhD meeting
When: | Th 25-04-2019 15:00 - 17:00 |
Where: | Bernoulliborg, Nijenborgh 9, Max Gruber room. |
Our next DSSC PhD meeting will feature, via posters, the research of several DSSC students and guests among which students from the group Computational Mathematics (Bernoulli Institute) and the group Discrete Technology and Production Automation (ENTEG Institute), to be assessed by a group of DSSC members and discussed by the audience.
PhD students and provisional poster titles:
Hamed Ayoobi, Home Robotics (AI, engineering)
Hyoyin Gan, Scalable algorithms to process massive datasets from radio astronomy (computer science, astronomy
Simon Gazagnes, [VF]ast Data (computer science, astrophysics, particle physics)
Jigar Parekh, Uncertainty quatification in wind farm simulations (computational and numerical mathematics)
Yuzhen Qin, title TBA (multi-agent systems)
Henk van Waarde, Complex Dynamical Networks: From Data to Connectivity Structure (mathematics, engineering)
Georg Wilding, Topological Analysis Methods for Big Data (mathematics, astronomy)
Jiwoo You, Low-complexity, parallel and distributed algorithms to detect and classify objects in large infrared, hyper-spectral and 3D sensor images (computer science, astronomy).
Evaluator DSSC members:
Dr. Daniel Valesin (Mathematics).
Dr. Jorge Perez (Computer Science).
Dr. Marco Wiering (Artificial Intelligence).
DSSC and non-DSSC researchers are welcome!