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Research profile A. (Alessandro) Luppi, MSc

A. (Alessandro) Luppi, MSc

Project: Cyber security with applications to both smart energy systems and smart industry

Owing to advances in computing and communication technologies, recent years have witnessed a growing interest towards Cyber-physical Systems (CPSs), i.e., systems where physical processes are monitored/controlled via embedded computers and networks. The concept of CPSs is extremely appealing for smart energy systems and smart industry, but it raises many theoretical and practical challenges. In particular, CPSs have triggered the attention towards networked control in the presence of cyber-attacks. In fact, unlike general-purpose computing systems where attacks limit their impact to the cyber realm, attacks to CPSs can impact the physical world as well. The ESRs who select this Project line will develop novel monitoring and control systems that are resilient against Bias Injection (BI) and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Two specific case studies will be considered: (i) BI attacks on distributed consensus networks for environmental monitoring, and (ii) DoS attacks on distributed control algorithms for optimal frequency regulation in smart grids.

Keywords: Cyberphysical Systems, Networked Control Systems,  Hybrid Systems, Power Networks, Smart Industries.

Fields of expertise: Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Network Science.

Last modified:13 May 2024 09.33 a.m.