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CogniGron Seminar by Johan Mentink: "Challenging the limits of magnetism – insights from theory and simulations"

When:Fr 01-03-2024 14:00 - 15:00
Where:Energy Academy Europe 5159.0010
Johan Mentink
Johan Mentink, Radboud University

Magnetism is known since ancient times. However, ultrafast nanomagnetism, defined by the dynamics of microscopic spins operating at the fundamental length and time scale of the quantum mechanical exchange interaction, is only recently becoming accessible.

In my research we approach ultrafast nanomagnetism from the side of theory and simulations. I will review recent results obtained with atomistic and quantum simulations of magnetism, that were conducted in close interaction with experimentalists. We show that both classical and quantum fluctuations, normally considered a nuisance yet inevitable at short length and time scales, can challenge the limits for the fastest motion of spins in magnetic materials.

Furthermore, I will outline how this research field can further advance by interdisciplinary research on neuromorphic hardware. This hardware has a radically different architecture, which for specific tasks can be both faster and more energy efficient than traditional hardware. Deployment of neuromorphic hardware may therefore allow breaking existing computational barriers, with potentially high impact for the development of green information technology.

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