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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research CogniGron Neuromorphic Computing in the Netherlands Workshop (NCN2023) - October 2nd, 2023 - Groningen

Neuromorphic Computing in the Netherlands Workshop (NCN2023) - October 2nd, 2023 - Groningen

"Bio-Inspired Computing Paradigms and Emerging Technologies"

Neuromorphic Computing drives inspiration from biological computational principles to design novel, more efficient computing solutions. Its highly heterogeneous community calls for more scientific interactions to foster cross-fertilization of ideas, promote collaborations, and train a new generation of future leading “neuromorphs”. To this end, the NCN2023 meeting aims to gather in one place leading experts and junior researchers to discuss current trends and open challenges in the field, from algorithmic, architectural, and application domains. Complementing previous years' topics, this edition will focus on Bio-inspired computing paradigms and emerging technologies.