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Management team

CogniGron's management structure features several key bodies: The daily operations are overseen by the Scientific Director, the Programme Board, and the Coordinating Office. The Supervisory Board, together with the Programme Board, handles long-term strategic planning. Meanwhile, the Scientific Advisory Panel offers expert advice and external perspectives to maintain high research quality.

Scientific Director

The Scientific Director is responsible for the scientific program and chairs the Programme Board. The director functions as the official representative of the center.

Prof. dr. Beatriz Noheda
Prof. dr. Beatriz Noheda

The founding Scientific Director of the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center, is Prof. dr. Beatriz Noheda.

Beatriz Noheda received her PhD in Physics in 1996 from the UAM in Madrid. After various stays and positions at University of Saarlandes, Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, Brookhaven National Lab in New York and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, in 2003 she was awarded a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship by the University of Groningen, where she is now Full Professor. Noheda is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has served as member of numerous national and international committees and several editorial boards. She is author of more than 100 publications, receives more than 10 invitations per year to speak in international conferences and has given 6 plenary and keynote talks. More information can be found at her personal page

Programme Board

The Programme Board is responsible for determining the scientific strategy, for the daily running of the scientific programme, the allocation of budget, as well as the recruitment of new staff.

Tamalika Banerjee
Tamalika Banerjee

Prof. dr. Tamalika Banerjee

Professor Physics of Nanodevices

e-mail: t.banerjee
More information can be found at her personal page

Georgi Gaydadjiev
Georgi Gaydadjiev

Prof. dr. Georgi Gaydadjiev

Professor Innovative Computer Architectures

e-mail: g.gaydadjiev
More information can be found at his personal page

Maria Antonietta Loi
Maria Antonietta Loi

Prof. dr. Maria Antonietta Loi

Professor Photophysics and Optoelectronics

e-mail: m.a.loi
More information can be found at her personal page

Lambert Schomaker
Lambert Schomaker

Prof. dr. Lambert Schomaker

Professor Artificial Intelligence

e-mail: l.r.b.schomaker
More information can be found at his personal page

Alef Sterk
Alef Sterk

Dr. Alef Sterk

Assistant Professor Dynamical Systems, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics

e-mail: a.e.sterk
More information can be found at his personal page

Niels Taatgen
Niels Taatgen

Prof. dr. Niels Taatgen

Professor Artificial Intelligence and Director Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

e-mail: n.a.taatgen
More information can be found at his personal page

Moniek Tromp
Moniek Tromp

Prof. dr. Moniek Tromp

Professor Materials Chemistry and Director Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials

e-mail: moniek.tromp
More information can be found at her personal page

Advisor to the Programme Board

Ton Engbersen
Ton Engbersen

Prof. dr. ir. Ton Engbersen

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board approves the budget and reviews with the Progamme board the long-term strategy of the program at a yearly basis. It also supervises and discusses with the Programme Board significant changes in focus and implementation. The board consists of the Vice President of the board of the University of Groningen, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) and the Managing Director of the FSE.

Hans Biemans
Hans Biemans

drs. Hans Biemans

Member of the Board of the University of Groningen

tel:+31 50 363 6578
e-mail: J.A.W.M.Biemans

Joost Frenken
Joost Frenken

Prof. dr. Joost Frenken

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering

tel:+31 50 36 34617;
e-mail: j.w.m.frenken

Esther Marije Klop
Esther Marije Klop

Dr. mr. Esther Marije Klop

Managing director of the Faculty of Science and Engineering

tel:+31 50 36 338945;
e-mail: e.m.klop

Coordinating Office

The Coordinating Office assists the Scientific Director and the Board in all aspects of their management, outreach and commmunication activities.

Luisella Kraak, Management Assistant
Luisella Kraak

Luisella Kraak

Management Assistant

E-mail: l.j.kraak | cognigron

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Dr. Judith Paridaen

Dr. Judith Paridaen

Scientific Coordinator

E-mail: j.t.m.l.paridaen

Scientific Advisory Panel

CogniGron is proud to count on an external advisory panel of international renowned experts. The role of the Scientific Advisory Panel is to advise the Scientific Director and the Programme Board on the scientific merits of research plans and assist in delineating new scientific directions.

Giacomo Indiveri
Giacomo Indiveri

Prof. dr. G. Indiveri
UZH / ETH Zurich, Switzerland
For more information, click here.

Julie Grollier
Julie Grollier

Prof. dr. J. Grollier
CNRS/Thales, France
For more information, click here.

Heike Riel
Heike Riel

dr. H. E. Riel
IBM Zurich, Switzerland
For more information, click here.

Ivan Schuller
Ivan Schuller

Prof. dr. I. K. Schuller
University of California San Diego, USA
For more information, click here.

Rainer Waser
Rainer Waser

Prof. dr. R. Waser
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Peter Grünberg Institute, Julich, Germany
For more information, click here or here.

Yoeri van de Burgt
Yoeri van de Burgt

dr. Y. B. van de Burgt
TU/Eindhoven, Netherlands
For more information, click here.

Wilfred van der Wiel
Wilfred van der Wiel

Prof. dr. ir. W. G. van der Wiel
University of Twente, Netherlands
For more information, click here.

Chris Eliasmith
Chris Eliasmith

Prof. dr. C. Eliasmith
University of Waterloo, Canada
For more information, click here

Susan Stepney
Susan Stepney

Prof. dr. S. Stepney
University of York, United Kingdom
For more information, click here

Tony Kenyon
Tony Kenyon

Prof. dr. T. Kenyon
University College London, United Kindom
For more information, click here

Last modified:13 February 2025 3.16 p.m.