ECHOES Indoors
Date: | 28 March 2020 |
As with much of the Western World, the ECHOES team have recently had to abandon their posts and 'shelter in place'. Our host institution, the University of Groningen, effectively went into lockdown in mid-March and all practical work ceased at that time. Lectures and general communication have continued on a veritable array of video conferencing platforms, but the experimental research being conducted by ECHOES had to be essentially abandoned in limbo. In truth, we were on the verge of finishing some of our most notable work (we would say that) and, whilst some may be completable remotely, other investigations will just have to wait until the crisis passes. The University of Groningen has committed to closing all buildings and discontinuing all physical classes until at least the end of the academic year, but the hope is that some researchers may be able to return to work at about that time. We zien wel.
Now some two weeks into the lockdown, all team members remain healthy and upbeat. The north of the country has been spared the brunt of the impact of the virus, and the city of Groningen has been comparatively unencumbered by its malevolent grip. Nature, being the capricious tease that she is, has conspired to make this one of the brightest, bluest spells of weather the Netherlands has experienced in some time, and a nation so associated with the emergence of spring has been trapped very much against its will indoors. Still, the battle is an extremely serious one and the ECHOES team would like to express its gratitude to, and indeed salute, the fortitude and skill of the health-workers and carers, both locally and abroad, who are taking on this virus for the protection of us all. It's our sincerest hope that we get past the worst of it soon.