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Research ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Events

ESRIG-EES colloquium: Yeanitza Trujillo, Gerjan Wubs, Paola Guzman Luna and Micha Klaarenbeek, MSc EES students

When:Tu 16-07-2019 15:00 - 17:15
Where:5159.0110, Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6.

starting time: 15.00h

Title: Organic residues streams and refining solutions.

By: Yeanitza Trujillo Gottschalk, MSc EES student.

Organic residual streams, such as food scraps and sewage sludge, have great potential as an alternative resource for the production of fuels and chemicals. An important characteristic is that these residues are derived from a renewable source and that they do not compete with the human food chain. Such conversion processes do already exist; though only a few combinations of organic residues, processes and products (i.e. product-market combinations) have the prospects to become economically feasible. The main goal of the internship was to identify the most favorable biorefining solutions (technologies/processes) that can be potentially implemented by DMT.

starting time: 15.30h

Title: Internship at Tauw. Ecological ceiling of the Donut-model for smaller-scale areas.

By: Gerjan Wubs, MSc EES student.

The Donut-model is a sustainability model created by Kate Raworth and is used to describe a system in which everyone is provided with their basic needs within the ecological limits of the earth. The inner ring represents the social foundation and consists of the sustainable development goals (SDG’s): clean water, housing, sanitation, energy, education, health, political participation, and sufficient resources for a good life. The outer ring represents the ecological ceiling and consists of the ‘planetary boundaries’: damage to the ozone layer, climate change, ocean acidification, chemical pollution, nitrogen- and phosphorus cycles, biodiversity loss, land use change, freshwater use, ozone depletion and atmospheric aerosols. The area within the rings of the Donut is the safe and just space for humanity. The Donut-model is mostly used for areas of larger-scale, like earth, countries or country clusters. The assignment for my internship was to determine the most suitable indicators for the ecological ceiling of the Donut-model for smaller-scale areas. In addition, I developed an impact analysis that can easily be used by everyone to determine the sustainability of an area based upon the ecological ceiling of the Donut-model.

15-minute break

starting time: 16.15h

Title: A promising route for hydrogen production from biomethane as feedstock.

By: Paola Guzman Luna, MSc EES student.

Due to the global warming concerns and the steady depletion of conventional fossil fuels, there has increased the interest of hydrogen (H2). H2 is not found in nature in its pure state so there is a need to use technologies for its production, these technologies are recognized for consuming a large amount of energy. Nowadays, the majority H2 produced in the world is produced through the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR), which is responsible for producing 12 tons of CO2 per ton of H2 generated. As an alternative method to produce hydrogen from renewable sources is the water electrolysis. However, this technology is translated in high production costs as well as a negative water impact. On the other hand, as a promising alternative to produce H2 from renewable sources is the use of biomethane as feedstock. The aim of this internship was to explore the current technologies already on the market or under research. The internship project was carried out in DMT Environmental Technology which is a Dutch innovative and remarked engineering company focused on biogas upgrading with membrane technology, biogas desulphurization, and wastewater treatment. In this project, it was evaluated the most promising route that DMT needs to focus on and develop in order to achieve a position on the future hydrogen market.

starting time: 16.45h

Title: Assessing the suitability of the circular business model 'Product-service system' for different companies and its implications for achieving a circular economy.

By: Micha Klaarenbeek, MSc EES student.

The Netherlands aims to be 100% circular in 2050. But what does that actually mean? And is it even (technically) possible..? During this internship project I have looked at the possibilities and barriers of Product-service systems. Product-service systems (PSS) have been heralded as one of the most effects methods to move towards a circular economy. But how suitable is this system for different industries? During the first phase of this internship project several companies were interviewed about their PSS. In the second phase, three companies were interviewed and analysed who are strongly considering a PSS to help them towards more circularity. The interviews and analyses have resulted in a circularity indicator and an overview of the suitability of a PSS.

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