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About us Medical Sciences Research Epidemiology
University Medical Center Groningen

Help! Statistics! lecture series

The Help! Statistics lecture series is intended for all researchers at the UMCG. We aim to review statistical and methodological issues that are relevant in everyday research practice in an accessible, easy-to-digest way. Speakers in the series include methodologists and statisticians from departments across the UMCG. The lecture series is part of the research program Life Course Epidemiology, and organised by the program leaders Nynke Smidt (unit Health Behaviour Epidemiology) and Gerton Lunter (unit Statistics and Decision Making).

If you would like to be informed about this series, and for topic or speaker suggestions, please email lceprogram, with subject line: Help! Statistics

Help! Statistics! Proposed topics and presenters in 2025

Date: each first Tuesday of the month

Time: from 12.00 till 13.00 hrs.




When? Tuesdays (12-13 hrs.)


Systematic reviews and scoping reviews: When and how to use them? UMCG, lokaal 16 (2nd floor in mainbuilding) February 4th Nynke Smidt and Dieuwke Broekstra
When to use machine learning, and when is logistic regression enough? UMCG, lokaal 16 March 4th Gerton Lunter
UMCG, lokaal 16 April 1st


UMCG, lokaal 16 May 6th

Sjoukje van der Werf

UMCG, Anda Kerkhoven complex
3227.0305 en 0311

June 3rd
UMCG, Ronde zaal, X1 (1st floor mainbuilding) July 1st

Last modified:03 March 2025 3.35 p.m.